Let’s begin with the cover art for Dry Ice: A Short Story Collection. It’s awesome.
Big shoutout to germancreative over on Fiverr who does really amazing work. It’s no wonder they have over 43,000 reviews at an average of 4.9 out of 5.
The cover art isn’t all I’ve got to share about Dry Ice. It’s now available for preorder. As of this post, it’s up on Amazon and Google (both available from the link in the last sentence), and will be available on other stores over the coming days. Release date is April 5th, 2022.
But that’s not all! Would you like to be on my ARC team, for this release and potentially for future releases? You would? Great!
Oh, you want me to explain what an ARC team is? Fair enough. In the book world, ARC stands for ‘Advance Reader Copies.’ Basically, a free book ahead of the official release, given for the purposes of review. And you have the chance to be on my advance reading team!
All that is required is that you leave an honest review of the book on Amazon and Goodreads before the release date (and you can leave reviews on other platforms, too, if you want but the above two are the only mandatory ones). Does that sound like a bit of you? Then head on over to this link to get on the team: https://booksprout.co/arc/87928/dry-ice-a-short-story-collection.
Here’s the Amazon blurb:
On an inhospitable planet, a cargo hauler comes across something walking the road when it’s eighty below outside.
A time-traveler turned celebrity thinks he’s gotten away with murder.
Lamenting the fact that pickings are far slimmer than when he was younger, an aging adventurer considers retiring to sunny Clawrida.
Born in the ocean but unable to survive there, a genetically-altered teenager struggles with life on land amidst a prejudiced, fearful community.
In search of a legendary recluse who has found meaning in existence, a young man arrives at a planet on the edge of the universe.
A book-loving heretic’s paranoia threatens to get the best of him.
After their excitement at discovering an ancient alien space station, a pair of treasure hunters quickly realize the place is not as dead as it first appears.
Meet the above individuals and more in this eighteen-story science-fiction bonanza!
And if you’re a Jazz Healy fan, she’s the star of two tales in Dry Ice: A Short Story Collection! So what are you waiting for? It’s time to get your read on!
All up, it’s 230-odd pages of awesomeness. So, yes, get your read on!
Chat again soon 🙂
S.C. Mae